An investigation paper is basically a well-written piece of written academic producing that introduces analysis, interpretation, discussion, and analysis predicated on comprehensive independent exploration Research papers typically are published like academic documents, however they can be more and also more involved assignments, developed in order to appraise maybe not only your composing skill but your…
How To Write A Research Paper
An investigation paper is basically a well-written piece of written academic producing that introduces analysis, interpretation, discussion, and analysis predicated on comprehensive independent exploration Research papers typically are published like academic documents, however they can be more and also more involved assignments, developed in order to appraise maybe not only your composing skill but your…
0-100 km/h – 6.8s
Here are some measurements 0-100km/h – 6.8 sec, a customer did with his modified CL9 (ECU reflash, custom headers, custom intake, bigger TB) . The Euro CL9 has some weird gear ratios (1st gear is very short , second gear is longer, and final drive is just 4.3 – for instant the US CL9 had…
masuratori 0-100 km/h – 6.8s
Si aici gasiti un alt client cu masuratori 0-100 km/h – 6.8s (modificari: reflash, headers, intake, TB). CL9-le european din pacate “sufera” de niste rapoarte ciudate ale transmisiei, treapta 1 este foarte scurta, iar treapta 2 lunga, iar la schimbul din 1 in 2 are loc o cadere de turatie foarte mare. Iarasi final drive-ul…
2 dyno sheets from customers (from Rusia)
2 dyno sheets from 2 customers from Russia (a CL9 MT and a CU2 MT) before and after reflash (both cars are stock as I’m aware).The graphics are made without corrections so please ignore the absolute power values, what is important to notice is the difference before and after. CL9 CU2
fise dyno de la 2 clienti din Rusia
2 fise dyno de la 2 posesori de Accord din Rusia (un CL9 MT si un CU2 MT) inainte si dupa reflash (ambele masini stock din ce stiu). Graficele dyno am inteles ca sunt fara corectie aplicata, deci ignorati valorile absolute. Ce este important de remarcat aici este delta (diferenta dintre grafice). Se poate vedea…
Video feedback from customers (from Russia)
Materialul de mai jos are rol strict informativ in a evaula capabilitatile reflash-ului. Acet tip de comportament este strict interzis pe drumurile publice. Accord CL9 Accord CL9 Stock A/T vs reflashed A/T Accord CL9 stock A/T vs stock M/T Accord CL9 reflashed A/T vs stock M/T (+1 passanger) Accord CL9 Stock AT Type-S ( driver…